Not Sure what to choose?
Read the below description of our log in options and choose the one that best fits your situation
The employee section is for individuals who are currently or formerly employed by our clients. Employees will log into this section to view their own reports such as their employment history, wages reported and employment status. If you are an employee and have not used our site before you will have to log in through the First Time User link to activate your acount. Returning users would simply click on the Log In link.
This section is for our clients, the corporate entities who have contracted VerifyAdvantage to manage and deliver employment and income verification reports on their behalf to 3rd party verifiers/requestors. Usually members of HR will use this portion of the site to manage their profile. if you are a member of HR or Payroll and do not have log-in credentials for VerifyAdvantage, please contact our Customer Response line and ask for your Account Manager. Or you can e-mail us through our Contact us link.
Requestors are 3rd party entities who are in need of an employments/income report for an individual/applicant/borrower (Employee).
Examples of requestors are Banks, Leasing or lending agencies, companies offering employment and so on.
If you are seeking a report on your own employment/income, you need the Employee section.
If you are a new requestor and need to create a account by clicking on
Create an Account.
Returning users would simply click on the Login link.
Government requestors are representatives of actual State or Federal agencies seeking an employment/income report for purposes of providing government assistance. Examples of such agencies are Food Stamp Offices, Welfare Offces, officers of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offices and so on, you will need to use this portion of our site. New Government requestor users can create an account by clicking on Create an Account under this section. Please note: Property managers and Land lords that participates in housing programs and other privately owned companies that participate in government programs, you cannot create a "Government Requestor" account, you will have to create an account as a "Requestor".
If you are still unsure which login applies to you, or have questions regarding logging into Verify Advantage, please
Contact us through our site.
For more detailed help in using our site, please use our
Help Guide
which will provide you step by step instructions for using VerifyAdvantage for all types of users.